VIA BRENTA 59, Caldonazzo
ph. Daniele Lira 2018 per Trentino Marketing
Up to the Altopiano della Vigolana, you can breathe a nourishing fresh air which comes from the wood and enter in your lungs and in your heart. By walking and party in the local peasant feast in summer, and stroll with "ciaspole" (special snow shoes) in winter, Vigolana will remind you that you are in the right place for a great vacation. But here's some other piece of advice for you.
If holidays with the family are a must-do requirement for you, you certainly will benefit from the banks of Lake Serraia or the Altopiano di Piné (the Piné Plateau). Nature will take care of you while you wander in the woods, by foot or by bike, and – why not? – by horse. There you have the possibility to follow so many amazing paths and amuse with your dear.
During summer you will breathe the aromas of the trees; during winter you will enjoy the days skating in the Ice Rink of Miola di Piné. This village, called “Paès dei presepi” (the village of the nativity scene ed.) put on scene a Christmas Carol under every “volto” (a typical Italian little porch you find at the basis of houses facing the street). Children will play together a treasure hunt, not forgetting the animation programs and the typical cuisine for everyone. Do not miss a visit to the local Christmas Market in the Asburgo Park in Levico and Pergine Valsugana during the Christmas holidays: you can easily get a souvenir of us!
The Valsugana Valley offers to sport enthusiasts a real outdoor gym and an extensive, fully equipped network of tracks and refuges among the high mountains, a good cycle path along the Brenta chain and the popular Trentino Horse Trail. Please, don’t forget relaxation! The two Valsugana lakes, Caldonazzo and Levico, praised with the European Blue Flag, possess an incredible quality in waters and infrastructure. At Lake Caldonazzo you can go canoeing, windsurfing and water skiing; at Lake Levico you can sunbathe and rest a bit. The several and cosy campsites in the surroundings might be your headquarters. The several modern thermal spots and spas in Valsugana grant high-quality wellness treatments and a strong health from the 19th century. Roncegno Terme, for example, is a specialized spa for natural therapies.
If you love nature, you will enjoy a beautiful vacation in one of our Farmhouses in Val dei Mocheni or in Tesino valley, both near to Valsugana. The two regions, both far from the chaotic big cities, live in an authentic and strong local culture, which has been conserved since years, while the surrounding world grew up so rapidly.
Our Farmhouses in the Altopiano della Vigolana, Altopiano di Piné, Valsugana, Val dei Mocheni and Tesino are happy to welcome you as our guests.
(ph. Vacanza Trentina)
VIA BRENTA 59, Caldonazzo
via dei Pianari, Tenna
Via Strada Romana 28/B, Levico Terme
Via alle Spianade 19, fr. Seregnano, Civezzano
Località Maso del Giudice 3- Vigolo Vattaro, Altopiano della Vigolana
Via Bettega, 89, Castel Ivano
Via Montesei 4, Pergine Valsugana
Via Pergine 9, Baselga di Pinè
Strada Provinciale per Vetriolo, 52, Levico Terme
Via Dei Prati 36, Pergine Valsugana
Via Brenta 70/A, Caldonazzo
Via Molini – Mosili, Torcegno
via G.Marconi, 39 fraz. Piazze , Bedollo
Via Castagnè 12 - fraz. Bosentino, Altopiano della Vigolana
Via Cagnoti 5, Baselga di Pinè
loc. Maso Tesobbo 11 - Monte di Mezzo, Roncegno Terme
Località Pizoi 11, Sant'Orsola Terme
Via Sabbionare 6 - Vigolo Vattaro, Altopiano della Vigolana
Via Della Prestala 20, Baselga di Pinè
via Bersaglio 24/26 - Vigolo Vattaro, Altopiano della Vigolana
via Sant'Osvaldo 37, Bedollo
Località Cambroncoi, Sant'Orsola Terme
Località Passo Brocon, Castello Tesino
Località Maso Doss 4 - Centa San Nicolò, Altopiano della Vigolana
via alla Cavada, 12, loc. Torchio 81/A, Civezzano
via alla Mandola, 37 - Bosentino, Altopiano della Vigolana
Località Maso Molinari 43, Frassilongo
Località Maso Marini, via degli Altipiani, Calceranica al Lago
Maso Rauteri 16, Centa San Nicolò, Altopiano della Vigolana
Via per Telve 3, Borgo Valsugana
Strada degli Scondani 1 - fraz Strigno, Castel Ivano
Via Del Roro 12/A, Caldonazzo