The story of the Darial Farmhouse begins in Val di Fiemme in 1994, when the patriarch of the family, named Severino, built up a modern stable where still breeds sheep, rabbits, chickens and horses. Few meters away, there is the new Farmhouse, built in 1998, to offer a special holiday immersed in nature, targeted to families with children of all ages.
The newly restored house offers large and bright rooms with large bathrooms; some of them also include a small but full-equipped kitchen. the Agritur also boasts a cosy spa and delicious and hearthy breakfasts, plus different snacks in the afternoon. Breakfasts and snacks are prepared with the farm's locally grown products: cakes, home-made biscuits, confitures, cold cuts, yogurts and milk cream are served in a typical "stube" in spruce wood.
All guests are warmly welcome at the Darial Farmhouse, but children always find special attention. Different services are available, for example: a fully-equipped playground, garden with wooden toys, baby chairs and cots, sledges, bedlinen and baby soups. Moreover, parents can use special backpacks and pushchairs for carrying children during their trips in the mountains.