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Our Educational Farms

Home>Our educational farms

What's a Educational Farm?

"The aim of this project is to maintain the local farming activity and products culture alive in contrast with globalization. Moreover, it stresses the importance of the link between humans, especially in young people, and the environment through benefic emotions and without e-devices. The Teaching Farm does not reject the technology tools that nowadays fully assist our lives; our farmers want to integrate the knowledge by teaching a simpler language, based on their own experience and memories, the significance, the labour and the abilities the farming work requires.

In the Teaching Farm you will be learning by doing and acquiring the ancient knowledge of a tradition few were lucky to meet; also, you will remember this experience all life long, with desire to return. The direct contact with the Farm will create in you a new aware consumer and indirectly will help the producers to choose according to better quality and respect for the environment, to enhance the values of the territory."

Manuel Cosi
President of Agriturismo Trentino Association

Educational Farms in Trentino

The Teaching Farms are true farms that aim to enhance the professionality of Tutors who describe in an unusual way educational programs and increase innovation, tourism and young careers.  The project addresses above all students, but also whole families, younger and elder to favour the direct contact between the farmers and the urbans, in particular children, that are our future. The Teaching Farms offer the visitors the possibility to establish a long-term relationship with the farm by sharing the rural activities, the products cultivation and the animals' care. The Teaching Farm represent an occasion for mutual encounter and exchange of experiences between farmers, young, teachers and adults.

Why going to a Educational Farm?

"Only in a Teaching Farm in Trentino you have the possibility to see and understand totally and experience the labour of a farmers and the time it takes to respect the cycles of rural production. The Association Agriturismo Trentino is the promoter of that network and gives out all the information about modes, directions and costs. Now…come to visit us! There you will be embraced by our farmers in a special way and you will inspire our emotion."

Nicoletta Andreis
Referent for the Educational Farm Project 


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