The family's biological farm cultivates over 5 ha fields in Arco, near to Lake Garda. The main farm’s activity is the olive trees growing, as well as vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants. A little Teaching Farm gathers different animals, like pure Quarter and Haflinger horses, donkeys and courtyard animals. The Farmhouse also offers accommodation in rooms and breakfast service.
The farm’s first activity is anyway the production of olive oil. The Casaliva olive trees is the most important native and widespread variety and gives an excellent oil with golden-green colour and delicate aroma. Different National Competitions already recognize its high quality. You can taste it at the Farmhouse.
While walking in the nnear and silent oak woods it’s quite possible to meet some wild animals such as roe-deer, hedgehogs, foxes or catching glimpses on rapaces. An evocative keep-fit-trail is like to be finished in short time.